How to Close Your Pool for Winter - Summer Sparkle Series


And just like that…the first hints of fall are in the air, and summer is on its way out. Wow.To help you start planning for closing your pool, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you ensure everything will be protected in the off-season once freezing temperatures settle in. Plus, properly closing your pool now will make it easier to open in just 8 months (but who’s counting?)

1.Cold Climate Closing

  1. Balance your pool water chemistry to make sure you have the proper chlorine, pH and alkalinity levels, using these guidelines. Baking soda is a natural way to instantly balance water pH and alkalinity, without harsh chemicals.
  2. Wait a few days, then shock your pool (this is an optional step)
  3. Wait 24 hours for chlorine levels to normalize, while the water circulates.
  4. Shock treat again using a winterizing pool shock product, then let the filter run for another 24-48 hours.
  5. Remove any floating debris and vacuum the pool.
  6. Add winterizing algae control and winterizing stain and scale control products.
  7. Disconnect all pool accessories like the diving board and ladders.
  8. Drain pool levels according to your manufacturer’s directions, then ensure all outdoor hoses are drained of water, so they don’t freeze over the winter.
  9. Turn off your filter pump. Drain and clean all equipment and store according to manufacturer’s directions.
  10. Cover pool securely to limit your cleanup time when re-opening next year. And say goodbye to another summer of wonderful memories!

2.Warm Climate Closing

  1. Cut your filter cycle time to half of its swimming season setting. (Keep it running at least 4-6 hours daily.)
  2. Test and balance water and clean the skimmer every week, then vacuum as needed.
  3. Follow your manufacturer’s directions for maintaining pool equipment.
  4. Decide if you want to cover your pool, which will help keep it cleaner and cut down the need for chemicals and chlorination. If you do, make sure you shock treat it beforehand.

Check out our other Summer Sparkle Series articles, Opening Your Pool and Maintaining Your Pool.




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